Finding The Sweet Spot — Truvia

Finding The Sweet Spot — Truvia
Persuading sweetener users that Truvia is the only brand that gives them the freedom to enjoy life’s sweet moments, guilt free.

Truvia wanted to get sweetener considers who are looking to make simple improvements to their diet to make Truvia their sweetener of choice.

Our idea — You’ve found the sweet spot.

With Truvia, it’s possible to enjoy all the sweetness of sugar, but from a plant-based product with zero calories. Promoting a positive switch to enable more opportunities to say ‘yes’ to more of life’s sweet moments, whilst still maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

As Truvia lets you have the sweetness without the calories, we used moments in life that can feel like finding the sweet spot. It’s like sun without the burn, it’s like jet without the lag, it’s like a holiday without the blues.

Ourselves really helped us to capture what it feels like to switch to Truvia with a simple but striking OOH campaign.

Lauren Crawford — Brand Controller, Silver Spoon

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