Raising Britain’s Bread Game — Bertinet

Raising Britain’s Bread Game — Bertinet
We challenged the bread lovers of Britain to raise their bread game.

Not all bread is created equal. Modern ultra-processed bread is full of additives and preservatives. Bertinet Bakery make their sourdough the proper way; with a few natural ingredients, a lot of expertise, the right amount of time and no corners cut. They are on a mission to get proper sourdough onto every table, every day. One slice at a time.

Our idea — Raise Your Bread Game.

Challenging the perception that sourdough is for special occasions and asking Britain’s bread lovers to raise their bread game by trading up to real sourdough everyday. Getting everyone eating better bread.

We repositioned, repackaged and revolutionised their approach to create a loaf with standout on the shelf and real purpose in their communications.


I could not be happier to have these wonderful people as our partners. They complete our team, deliver incredible results and are a joy to work with.

Maria Dogin — Marketing Director, Bertinet

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